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Hull, Frank

Lance Corporal Frank Hull (44607)
Killed in Action on Monday 23rd September 1918, aged 19
Son of Henry & Annie Hull
Father's occupation: General Labourer
Born 13th October 1898 at Hurst
2 sisters, 4 brothers, position in family: 7
Relatives: Brother George also died in war, both are on Waltham St. Lawrence memorial
Infant School:Hurst Infants
Senior School:Hurst Boys
Admitted:Monday 17th April 1905
Age on admission:6
Left school:Tuesday 8th November 1910
Age at leaving:12
Local address: Davis Street, Hurst
Regiment:Royal Berkshire Regiment
Battalion:8th Bn.
Previous unit:26650 Royal Warks Regiment
Died:Monday 23rd September 1918
Cause:Killed in Action
Battalion at:St Emilie
Commemorated:Memorial at Vis-en-Artois Memorial
Thursday 19th September 1918
France, ST. EMILIE
8:15A.M. Battalion moved to assembly positions proceeding via road junction E.18 d 4.4 - F.8 c 2.8 - F.14.G.2.2 thence to positions of assembly. "B" "C" and "D" Companies were in trench South of road running West and East through RONSSOY-LEMPIRE RD. A Company on the road East of crossroads also in trench. Battalion HQ were located in West edge of RONOSSOY. Enemy artillery was very active throughout the period of assembling causing "A" Company a few casualties. Assembly reported complete 10.40 a.m. Zero hour was fixed at 11.00 a.m.
A, B and C Companies moved forward at ZERO and were close up with the barrage when it commenced to move forward. "A" Company (less 1 platoon) remained in assembly position. 3 platoons of "A" Company reported as being on their objectives (THISTLE TRENCH) by 11.40 a.m. suffering few casualties during the advance. "D" Company platoon reached ENFER WOOD at 12.5O p.m. The situation was obscure until CAPT M. WYKES MC went forward to reconnoitre the situation. He reported "C" Company on their main objective and in YAK POST after a hot bombing fight. He then proceeded along DOSE TRENCH and found it and also LEMPIRE POST, unoccupied by the enemy or our troops. Returning via LEMPIRE-TOMBOIS FARM RD he found "A" and "B" Companies held up by strong M.G. fire from Z copse. "B" Company then proceeded to occupy their objective passing through "C" Company and down DOSE TRENCH. On reports being received of the enemy still being in LEMPIRE, "D" Company were ordered to mop up the village. This Company returned and reported LEMPIRE quite clear of the enemy.
Opposition on the right was very severe. "C" Company pushed some men into ZEBRA POST during the evening.
Friday 20th September 1918
France, ST. EMILIE
Battalion remained in present positions. Battalion HQ moved to sunken road in front of RONSSOY.
Saturday 21st September 1918
France, ST. EMILIE
An attack was carried out by 53rd Brigade in conjunction with the 12th Division on the left. The following objectives were gained: EGG POST - GRAFTON TRENCH - TOMBOTS FARM, but these could not be maintained owing to strong enemy counter-attack.
Sunday 22nd September 1918
France, ST. EMILIE
Monday 23rd September 1918
Remained in present positions. Hostile artillery was very active. On the whole the weather had been exceptionally good during the past few days.


Frank Hull on the Vis-en-Artois Memorial
Vis-en-Artois Memorial

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in morning
We will remember them.
Lawrence Binyon