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Crutchfield, Reuben Ford

Victory Medal
Victory Medal
British War Medal
British War Medal
Private Reuben Ford Crutchfield (19693)
Died of Wounds on Thursday 31st May 1917
Son of Reuben & Jane Crutchfield
Born May 1885 at Langwith, Derbyshire
Local address: Hurst
Enlisted:Reading, November 1915
Regiment:Royal Berkshire Regiment
Battalion:1st Bn.
Died:Thursday 31st May 1917
Cause:Died of Wounds
Battalion at:Arleux/Oppy
Commemorated:Grave at Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension

Reuben Crutchfield was born in May 1885 in the village of Langwith, on the Derbyshire / Nottinghamshire border. On 31st May he was baptised in Whaley Thorns, probably at St.Lukes Church, taking his mother's maiden name, Ford, as his middle name.

At the age of six Reuben was living with his grandmother, Eliza Crutchfield, in Lansdowne Terrace, Twyford. Ten years later he was at the same address with his father (also called Reuben) and working as a butcher's assistant.

From the battallion war diary:

Thursday 24th May 1917
Day quiet with occasional enemy shelling. Weather fine.
9.30 p.m. 2 Officers and 100 other ranks working under orders of OC 22nd Royal Fusiliers carried wire and stakes to the front line. Casualties during the day: 2 other ranks wounded
Monday 28th May 1917
Work as on 24/5/17. Casualties 14 other ranks wounded, one of whom died of wounds early on 29/5/17. These casualties occurred when the working party was on the way up to the front line.
Major B G BROMHEAD and Captain H T W QUICK joined the Battalion.
Thursday 28th May 1917
France, ST AUBIN
Noon Church Parade. Weather very fine and warm. The Battalion relieved 23rd Royal Fusiliers in close support trenches between ARLEUX and OPPY, being still organised in 2 Companies (No. 1 under command of Captain PUGH MC, and No. 2 under command of Captain GREEN MC). Relief complete 11.30 p.m. Casualties NIL. Heavy rain had fallen the previous day and parts of the line were badly flooded. Battalion HQ at B.10.d.47

Reuben now rests in the Aubigny Cemetery along with Frederick Sherwood who had been killed a month earlier.


Reuben Crutchfield at Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension
Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in morning
We will remember them.
Lawrence Binyon